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| use world;
select * from country;
select code, name, continent, population from country;
select countrycode as code, name from city;
select code, name, population from country where population >= 100000000;
select name, surfaceArea, population, population / surfacearea as pps from country;
select name, gnp, population, gnp / population * 1000000 as gpp from country;
select name, population from city where population >= 800*10000;
select name, population from country where population >= 800*10000 and population <= 1000*10000;
select name, population from country where population between 800*10000 and 1000*10000;
select name, continent from country where continent = 'asia' OR continent = 'africa';
select name, continent from country where continent in ('asia', 'africa');
select name, governmentform from country where govermentform like "%Republic%";
select code, name from country where code like "ar%";
select code, name, gnp from country order by gnp asc;
select code, name, gnp from country order by gnp desc;
select countrycode, name, population from city order by countrycode desc, population asc;
select name, population from country order by population desc limit 5;
select name, population from country order by population desc limit 5, 4;
select distinct continent from country